Programming inside Docker Container with VSCode

Programming inside Docker Container with VSCode

This tutorial assumes that you already have Docker running on your machine and Dev Container extension instaled in your VSCode


  • Consistent: Development environments across team members – everyone uses the exact same setup and you develeop your application in the same environment it will run in production.

  • Isolation: Dependencies and configurations don’t conflitc with other projects

  • Portability: Containers run reliable accross different machines and platforms


  1. Consider that you have the following Dockerfile in project root directory:
FROM ubuntu:24.04
COPY . .
  1. Open the project directory in VSCode

  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+P and search for: Dev Container: Reopen in Container

  3. In the next prompt, select From Dockerfile

  4. In Optional Files/Directories, select .GitHub/debendabot.yml

VSCode will start the Docker Container and when finished, will open the IDE inside the container.

A directory called .devcontainer has been created. This directory has the configurations of Dev Container Extension for your project. See how customize your environment.